There is no greater love than this - someone to sacrifice his life for his friends

Thursday, July 15, 2010

HOW Exactly You Can Cure Yourself From Cancer - Effectively And Definitely!

Cancer is not at All a Hopeless, but a Completely Curable Disease.

Not just once or twice have I lost loved ones who fell ill with this disease. And every time when it became clear that a person is ill, the seal of hopelessness lay on my soul.

Of course we immediately rushed to search for means for curing this person, but this was on the outside. And inside there already lay the thought that the end was destined, and that sooner or later it would come. Sometimes it was not even a thought, but - some vague, but heavy feeling. The feeling of inevitability. And this in itself was devastating.

Can we beat cancer - and what are the means for this? Can the means that the dominant medicine offers - chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgical technique - beat cancer? I have long ago rejected all kinds of kidding myself on this matter and got the right answer: NO! Dr. Peter Glidan reported official recognition of a committee of American physicians, who over 12 years have investigated the effects of chemotherapy worldwide. And the answer is clear:

- Chemotherapy in 97% of cases does not work!

However one addition is needed here: The remaining 3% of the time does not mean they are cured! No! These are people who just were brought to the state of remission and nothing more!
Remission – this is a condition in which there are no external symptoms of disease, but the patient is not cured, the disease resides in the body - as "stand by." But it may at any time to "wake up" - as a general rule everyone who is brought (only) to the state of remission, eventually dies of cancer.)

So at this point there can not be doubts: methods of the dominant Medicine
are unable to cure the disease of cancer!
There is only one question: WHY?

On this matter I have also for years - the true, undoubtedly correct, answer: As with chemotherapy, also with radiation therapy, also with the operating method - none of these known methods of the dominant medicine is able to cure the disease of cancer - because:
- None of them can remove, cure, overcome (call it as you wish) can not cope with the genetic predisposition of the body
to produce cancer cells

This is how I got to hate this disease.

And once I hated it, this meant that in the depth of my soul I had declared war on it - though perhaps I was not aware of it yet.

The first time this war became apparent was this: when a loved one got ill, then, bearing in mind the words of the Lord in the Gospel, "If two or three agree to ask anything in My name – it shall be done for them", I decided to persuade other close people to pray to God that the disease was moved from this spiritual son of mine – to me. It turned out that they did not agree in their hearts and prayed that this would not happen. And what happened? What happened was something that Sv.Amvrosy of Optina used to say: "On this side of the mountain people were praying for rain, but on the other side – that there was no rain. And it came out – according to God's will!" And so - this man was not healed from the cancer, and I did not fall ill with his disease - but until the end of the disease course (the outcome was fatal), he NEVER felt pain again, although it was a most painful form of cancer - pancreatic cancer!

So he went away from this world into the other, without having ever had any pain again, in peace and repose, I confessed that spiritual son of mine, he received Holy Communion before he died and went away in peace and consolation. We all, both my spiritual children and I were surprised by such a manifestation of God's mercy to this spiritual son of mine - and generally amazed at this decease - how it happened. His wife Temenuzhka and his two daughters Anelia and Aneta may confirm it. I would have left their phone number here, but I'm not sure whether they would want it. Still, I can ask and in the next publication provide it, if they agree.

And then another time a close person fell ill. He was a Confessor. Again I wanted to ask the Lord that his illness moved to me. But then my Bishop forbade me to do this. He said: "Leave these people - let them go from this world from their own demise! God chose them, giving them this disease. And, if they bear the suffering with courage, with Christian patience, they will be forgiven many sins, and will go into the Kingdom of Heaven - in the Eternal Life! Do not take this from them! "

Then I obeyed this prohibition. But my animosity for the disease itself did not disappear.

Several years ago I came upon the book of Nikolai Shevchenko "Defeat CANCER”, published in Moscow, 2005, by the “Obraz-Company” publishers, full title “Defeat! : the universal methodology with examples of curing most severe diseases”,
ISBN 5-89408-056-8

The light of hope appeared!

I enthusiastically delved into it from the first to the last page!

With great astonishment and with gratitude to God, I became convinced that there IS a cure for cancer! Not just from reading this book, but later many times in practice and in life with my own eyes I was convinced that there IS a therapy against the cancer disease! Effective therapy!

The hope proved to be completely real!

Many times in practice and in life, I became convinced that all that is written about tens of thousands of people cured even from the worst stages of the disease - when doctors have already given them up, saying that they have left no more than a week of life, but they were cured - all this is authentic truth!

The Recipe. What is the therapy of Shevchenko - what does one have to do to be cured from a cancerous disease with this therapy?

How does the therapy of Shevchenko work?

Can one trust this therapy and is there another alternative?

What in essence is the merit of Nikolay Shevchenko – what did he do that the therapy was named after him?

What diseases have been undoubtedly proven to be cured by the therapy of Shevchenko?

However, to be successfully cured, one has to keep a diet, and the diet demands that you also stop smoking! What to do?

Alcoholism has been proven to be cured very quickly.

The most important about the faith! (There is exactly such a chapter in the book – p. 45)

These and many other questions I would like to answer in my further publications on this topic.

A lot of time has passed since this publication has been created in its initial form. Some updates are required. Here are the latest ones:
- After for over 4 years I have helped many people (including my Mother) to overcome the disease of cancer by applying the therapeutic Methodology of N.V.Shevchenko,

- After I developed  
prophylactic Complex Wellness Strategy
designed to protect the genetic heirs of parents who have suffered from the disease of cancer (as well as anyone on the planet), so that they never get sick of this and many other diseases and are able to live a normal healthy life

- A few weeks ago, I realized that one of my dogs - pedigree and beautiful Asian Shepherd dog Dolly - has cancer.

However, the news that Dolly has cancer made me very happy. Because, with God's help - AFTER I heal this beautiful pedigree dog, like so many people have already got healed - it can serve as an example to even more people to get cured of cancer.

Two video clips are following:

- The first one contains Parts 1 and 2 of the short video-film 
"Live, Dolly!"
- only 16 min 14 sec

The second one contains Part 3 of 
"Live, Dolly!"
- only 10 min 40 sec

HOW To Effectively Cure Your Dog From Cancer. Part 1 and 2 from Fr. John on Vimeo.

HOW To Effectively Cure Your Dog From Cancer. Part 3 from Fr. John on Vimeo.

Download here for FREEi-120314-003_Veneta-Koicheva_PubADD-0007-02_EN

To learn: - WHY should a tumor not be cut, pierced and burned – be it malignant or benign?
- Why biopsy IS NOT AT ALL a sure method of diagnosis?

- Why are data from biopsy not safe to trust?

- Why is this method very dangerous in general?

1. For more details - to
 find out:
- WHY is the existence of a Universal Cure possibledownload free the following section of Wellness Strategy:
"The Universality"Priest John (Vasilevski) HERE

2. For more details - to learn:
 WHY the methods, or more correctly – THE ATTEMPTS  of the dominant medicine at the treatment of cancer suffer complete defeat? WHY it is not possible to achieve cure of cancer by the ways the dominant medicine is trying to cure - even theoretically!
 WHICH is the unfailing KEY with which you can check undoubtedly, if one or another method (advertised on the internet or elsewhere) works or not?
 WHAT is the first condition that must be met if we want to find a cure for cancer that really cures cancer - DEFINITIVELY?
download free the
 following section of Wellness Strategy:
"The Genetical Biomechanism Of Suicide"
Priest John (Vasilevski) HERE

+ Priest John (Vasilevski)


© 2011, Aikaterini Psomiadou - Publisher, All rights reserved!

i-100629 001_01What Is the Essence of the Therapy of Nikolay Shevchenko - Recipe, Schedule of Taking the Medicine, Diet.

i-100629-001_01 What Is the Essence of the Therapy of Nikolay Shevchenko - Recipe, Schedule of Taking the Medicine, Diet.

CANCER essence of the therapy of Shevchenko - recipe schedule of taking the medicine

According to the instructions of Nikola
y Shevchenko ("To Defeat!", p. 29), the medicine is very simple and it is the following:

- 30
-40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and

- 30
-40 ml of vodka (or home-distilled brandy or other spirits - in Greece - raki, in the Caucasus - chacha) at least 40 % volume - if less than 38 %, the alcohol does not burn, and the medical effect decreases sharply

- Pour it all together in one vessel (
e.g. a little jar), close it tightly and shake it vigorously until a homogenous light opaque mixture is formed. Immediately drink it all - and this must be done 20-30 minutes before meals.

The better the
mixture is blended, the slower it layers back into alcohol and oil - the higher the curing effect.

Dosage and schedule of taking the medicine:

1. Do this three times a day, preferably with equal hourly intervals - for example:

at 8.00 am –
at 14.00 – at 20.00 pm

at 9.00 am - at 15.00 – at 21.00 pm

2. Do this every day – tak
e the medicine for ten days.

Then make a rest of five days - do not take the medicine

- Then take the medicine
for a Second ten days

- Then
make a new five-day rest - do not take the medicine

- Then take the medicine
for a Third ten days

Then make a rest not of five but of TEN (10) days do not take the medicine

This is
one cycle.

you need to repeat such cycles until the complete curing - and you have to continue doing so for at least two, but preferably three years.

The dosage and schedule of taking the medicine under
no circumstances can be changed - otherwise the effect is sharply reduced. The breaks of five or fourteen days in no case can be changed - they are very important and the extremely rich practice of Shevchenko has proved it. Obviously, these breaks are very important in order that the organism does not get accustomed to the medicine, which of course also would drastically reduce the effect or even deprive the treatment of any effect altogether.

the breaks the medicine continues to work albeit with less intensity.

The oil and vodka
must not be meted with a spoon or approximately but you need to buy a graduated measuring vessel still, plus or minus 2 grams play no role.

In brief
you have to show personal discipline and strictly abide by all which was written - in the end it is a question of Life and death! So why philosophize about it!

You can pour
in advance one (1) dose of oil and vodka in a small jar and take it along on the way, at work or wherever you go so as at the scheduled time, 20-30 minutes before your meal, to shake it well and drink it. And a few such jars with a single dose in each can be prepared for a few days ahead. Before the intake you shake it energetically - and drink it.

The b
ook of Nikolay Shevchenko “To Defeat!”, pp.29-30, edition: Moscow, 2005, Obraz-Company publishers.

Eat three times a day rather than 4 or more - Shevchenko asserts that this is particularly important. But you should know that there is nothing wrong if you eat 2 times a day – most importantly not more than three.

Prior to
the morning intake of the mixture nothing should be drunk.
This is the therapy of Shevchenko.
This is for people who are ill so that they are healed.

there is also

a prophylactic version of the therapy

it can be used by people who have healed or those who have never been ill.

In the prophylactic version the dose can be reduced to 30 grams of oil and 30 grams of vodka, and the number of intakes of the mixture - to one or (preferably) two times a day. However, the schedule of days and breaks must not be changed.

long to continue the treatment? No limit. Even for all of your life. There will be no harm. Only benefit. (N. Shevchenko. "To Defeat!", p.31)

I will share my personal experience:

- My mom, as I wrote in
the previous article, with God's help overcame cancer of the blood - all the analyses showed there were no traces of cancer. At that time I hadn’t come across the book of Shevchenko yet. Two years later, my mom developed a tumor in her leg, which the American doctors removed surgically and the analyses again showed that there was no trace of cancer in her organism. I stress the American to make it clear that serious medical personnel worked!

- However, what do all these facts imply to me? That my mom’s organism is predisposed to the occurrence of cancer cells in it. And, although the analyses clearly show that now there are no cancer cells and signs of cancer, to me there is also no guarantee that in the future such will not appear. That's why I told my mom that she availed of the prophylactic version of the therapy of Shevchenko - and keep it until the end of her life. And she, like a good and obedient child - does just that.

I think that's a
quite indicative example of the need and application of the prophylactic version of the therapy of Shevchenko.

In this article
I have not mentioned one very important feature of the therapy of Shevchenko: the diet!

I have not forgotten about it. The diet - as a constituent part of the therapy of Shevchenko - will be the subject of one of my following publications.

For more details - here is a link to the book of

+ Priest John (Vasilevsky)