There is no greater love than this - someone to sacrifice his life for his friends

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just – take it seriously!

Just – take it seriously!

(Just take it seriously - to be healed!)

Even if someone is suffering from a severe form of cancer, even if they were written off as already hopeless, even if they were told "You have a maximum of two weeks" – let them just take it SERIOUSLY – and with God’s help they will get cured!


Many people suffering from this disease have written letters to me - many I've written letters to. What I face is
a certain deadly ignorance of the people that

The killer "Public Opinion" (or - "The generally accepted") - is a bloodthirsty idol like Moloch or Baal, which here again takes human victims!

Deluded by -
a) the public opinion (the generally accepted) and
b) the despair com
ing from the long fruitless search for a medicine that "helps" against cancer, people despond, despair and begin to believe that cancer – this means hopelessness = doom = death
Thus they either do not know or doubt that cancer is actually a completely curable disease!

The therapy we are talking about is indeed a treatment that not just "helps" – I quite dislike this word because through it there shows a hidden fobbing off like "Well, you will live a little longer with a little lighter pain..." We are not talking about that! The truth is that: this is a therapy that the Lord has granted to the people in order to DEFEAT cancer with it! – a therapy which with God's help will completely CURE the person from this disease!

But when people are infected with a false belief or unbelief - they do not approach the treatment seriously enough - and then they suffer more from their false belief and unbelief than from the disease of cancer itself!

Because of God's mercy the person will be healed, even despite his false idea and his unbelief – he just has to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY AND TO STRICTLY COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS!

It's not about one or two lucky ones! No! Tens of thousands of people are curing themselves this way - and not just from cancer but also from many other serious diseases, from all types of allergy, from alcoholism...

Initially, I was writing letters, assuring people in the effectiveness of the Therapy and trying to convince them just to take it seriously - and that's it. Now I decided that it is simpler to give them to read the correspondence with people who have cured themselves.

Here I present one such case - the Lord sent me this case as a Passover gift for Easter – for the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Thank God for everything!

Note with
what surprise reacts the former cancer patient (from a very severe and painful form of cancer) when he realizes he was cured!


a) The correspondence between Father John and the former cancer patient, now fully cured Asen, which follows - is published with big cuts to save you time
b) In this publication we will deliberately put no pictures - just read seriously and do not get distracted!
It doesn’t matter that the correspondence comes out a little longish – I wish you success in reading!


(From the archives of Father John.)
i-110119-001 - Assen Zlatarov

He had prostate cancer with metastases in the bones. CURED - Thank God!

From: F. John Vasilevski <>
To: assen_zlatarov_ .............
Sent: Tue, February 1, 2011 5:48:28 PM

Hello, Assen!

Nadya forwarded your letter to me. I apologize for the one day delay in my answer. I hope that in the meantime she also explained to you why she forwards all the letters on this topic to me.

I specify to avoid misunderstanding: I myself am not a doctor, nor do I cure, but rather I share accumulated experience. And also to the people who need it and refer to me, I give different Spiritual counsels. And the latter is not only my work but also my duty, my service. Simply because I am an Orthodox Priest. My name is Father John.

Namely because of the very fact that I am a Priest I often have to deal with human suffering. That is why the very service to the Lord, as well as the natural compassion for people, so naturally unfolded things in my life that for quite some time I have been helping anyone I can to cope with various afflictions, with disabilities, with God's help to overcome diseases. Even just leading a life close to the natural, already in itself is a very effective form of coping with illness, suffering, disability - don’t you agree?

Someone might ask: but where do I have the knowledge from? The answer is simple: The fact that I am an Orthodox Priest not only does not hinder me from exploring, from doing science, but
what is more - I've always done it, it is an integral part of my life since my student years and before. However in this I am no exception - as the father of the science Genetics is Gregor Mendel – a Czech Orthodox monk. I do not know if you know this?

go now, particularly on the topic:

1. Read the Book of Shevchenko. You can get it here:
You write to me that you suffer from cancer of the prostate with metastases in the bones and that you are 53. You are younger than me – and strong boys like us have to be a spring of lively spirit and enthusiasm for others as well! And I believe that you also think so!

I want to assure you that this therapy refers to any type of cancer - including yours. The most
important and in my opinion the most amazing about this therapy is that it acts SELECTIVELY! There is no other such drug, no other such therapy: the cancerous (diseased) cells it destroys and the healthy cells it heals. And it acts in an all-healing and all-cleansing manner on the whole organism. And this is very important!

The father of Medicine Hippocrates (464-370 BC) says: "The disease comes when the body as a system is toxic and has lost balance. The body should be treated as a whole rather than as a collection of parts "

Exactly in the same way this therapy acts on EVERY type of cancer, but also – it acts prophylactically on the whole organism when it is prone to generating cancerous cells. This applies for example to me, to my organism as a genetic heir of my mother, who with God's help defeated cancer. As for me I use this treatment in its prophylactic version and thus with God's help got cured from spring allergy, if you know what a disaster this is and what a harassment. For me it is already past, history. Besides cancer this therapy cures all kinds of allergies.
And so, Assen - flags be raised high and - forward! Without any doubt!

On the site almost everything has been said. I say "almost" because some of the
articles I have not posted yet:
- about the diet,
- about the connected with the diet easy
liberation from smoking (so that the cigarettes are not attractive at all and the person is FREE from them and not "abstain
ing" which in
translation means: secret slave!)
- And many other articles - about freedom and subjects that you may be hearing of for the first time, but which are so simple that you say to yourself "but wait, how have I not thought of that myself until now?"

However, if you have questions – don’t hesitate to ask me - at any time of day. Put aside for this purpose a little notebook, a notepad, etc. and write them down - because they disappear, get forgotten. I may be a bit slow to reply - it is for work overload, such an overload that at times I feel like I get smoke from the ears ... But this
delay does not mean that I will not answer. Just wait.

But now, after I said about my overload, let this not turn into a curb for you "well, wait, I will not write to Father John, because he is overloaded!"... Nothing like that! As I said: at any time of day.

Come on now, Assen, go ahead - and you'll see that with God's help you will soon gain experience -
and after that with God's help you will on your turn help many others to get
cured – in the same way as once you got cured!

+ Father John


April 27, 2011 19:57
Hello, Father John!!!
A miracle happened! True miracle of God! I am completely cured! Of course, the treatment will continue until the end, i.e. 
at least for 2 years.Together with the Resurrection of Christ, I was risen too. I will briefly describe what happened. Until the end of March I went through areal nightmare.Horrible pains from the waist to the feet, especially at night. I groaned, I moaned, Iied, I screamed, I could only sit and was unable to sleep from the pain neitherduring the days nor at night. They bought me crutches, then a bed-pan, I called home a notary and settled all my earthly affairs, but only just in any case. Not for a moment did I doubt that I will be cured. Every day I read prayers and thank The Lord. At the end of March I could no longer withstand the sleep deprivation and the pains and sent my wife to the onco for them to prescribe me morphine. She brought it, but the pains stopped the same day. Stopped the huge, sharp pains, which were sometimes in my back sometimes in the buttocks, sometimes in the hips, sometimes in my legs. Day by day went away also the remaining tolerable pains. I can already drive my car and even hoe in my village. All of thisonly after the first cycle. Tomorrow I start the second cycle. Many, many endless thanks for your help. I wish you health and long life to help people for many, many years on! 


май 2011 00:30

Hello, Father John!
There is no internet in my village, so only when I go back to Bourgas for 1-2 days I check my mail.Of course you can use my letters.God grant this helps someone.I keep working in my garden every day-I hoe,I turn the soil over,sow vegetables,flowers.I restored my muscles and kilograms.All in all I feel great-completely healthy.I’ll be very glad if I can be
helpful to anyone in any way.Be healthy!